Fuel your fire with creativity, season it with perseverance, and plate it with passion. In the kitchen, every challenge is an opportunity, and every dish is a masterpiece in the making.

  • Kitchen doors are opening……

    A retrospect…. I was drawn to bakery and pastry. It’s the same discipline you employ in dance – you take the instruction, and you keep on practicing, seeking perfection. You never achieve it, but you strive. What drew you to cooking? I have realized that I had a calling in the kitchen. I was raised…

    Kitchen doors are opening……
  • Kitchen as Talent Incubators-overview from a former educator.

    One that defines the chef’s position in the larger business is being a mentor who creates an environment for and nurtures the potential of young cooks to make their own mark on the restaurant scene.   The list of responsibilities keeps growing: menu planner, budget manager, concept developer, quality controller, purchaser and negotiator, trainer, and of…

  • Embracing Creativity

    IF YOU’RE WONDERING HOW YOU CAN IMPROVE YOUR SKILLS AS A BAKER/PASTRY COOK, THERE ARE A FEW KEY QUALITIES THAT CAN HELP YOU TO PROGRESS. 1) Organisation Baking is a juggling act. This means organising everything from your ingredients to forward-thinking your way through the stages of the recipe. Lots of thinking ahead is required…

  • Grains of Gains

    Life of a Pastry Commis Before starting my job as a pastry commis, I worked the traditional 8-5 office job. I was so accustomed to unwinding on the weekends, grabbing dinner with friends on weeknights, and complaining about the horrible rush hour commute. When I decided to take a complete 180° turn and pursue a…

  • To start a new journey of success

    You are more than you appear to be, you can grow and develop yourself with the acquisition of the right knowledge and action, and your mind will awaken and come to the realization that you have what it takes to become successful.  Many people go through their whole life saying that I didn’t have a…

  • A fresh start

    Each new year is an opportunity to make changes, set new goals and begin afresh. The idea of a fresh start can seem daunting, even overwhelming. It doesn’t need to be this way. Whether you want to move on from a stagnant state (away from toxic habits or relationships) or find yourself at an abrupt…

  • Waiting expectantly

    Waiting expectantly is looking forward to that moment of fulfillment. It’s spending that time getting ready, doing everything we can to be prepared for when the time comes. Sometimes the thing hasn’t come yet, because you’re not ready. We can use our seasons of waiting to prepare as best as we can for what’s coming.Growing…

  • Choose Your Battles Carefully/wisely.

    “Choose your battles wisely. After all,life isn’t measured by how many times you stood up to fight. It’s not winning battles that makes you happy, but it’s how many times you turned away and chose to look into a better direction. Life is too short to spend it on warring. Fight only the most, most,…

  • The Maple

    heralding the season change a deepening of golds to red The Maple

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